I would consider myself an introvert. I’m more on the outgoing end of that personality type as I enjoying spending time with others, going out and about, and there are some people that I could hang out with for hours, without feeling the need to leave. But there are times when I know when I can feel it in every part of my body, that I need to step away from at all. I’m drained and want to just be by myself. I need to recharge and recuperate. Unfortunately, this very important break time is sometimes hard to carve out in a busy schedule and a demanding world. People of all personality types experience this feeling of burnout. Finding time to relax and regain energy seems impossible and feels like a waste of time when there are so many more assignments to occupy our hours. However, taking the time to chill out and forget about all the demands of the day not only makes us feel more at ease, but it is good for us.
The pressure to ignore relaxation in favor of working on other tasks is extremely strong. Piles of work wait to get done, and people want tasks finished. Friends want to go somewhere together. On and on, something always wants attention and is waiting for focus. Though it may seem almost necessary to spend every minute of every day busy, engaged, doing, accomplishing something, it’s just as important to accomplish relaxation. Taking time for one’s self is not wasted time, but critical for feeling good, high-spirited, and mentally healthy. Downtime needs to be made a priority, so individuals can feel more rested, ready, and happy.
Just as important to keep in mind is that everyone’s needs are different than others, and individuals de-stress in different ways. The word “relax” may conjure up images of meditations or spa days, but in reality, it is not just about sitting in silence pondering the universe or taking a bubble bath. It’s about doing something that creates no stress or negative feelings and is enjoyable. What constitutes a time of relaxing varies; what one person finds calming, another may find absolutely draining. Relaxation is about finding out what one’s personal needs are, and then tending to them. Some people thrive in environments that almost constantly involve social interaction, finding it calming to just chat with another person without any goals or expectations; while some find serenity best by spending their time alone. Any combination is right, as long as a person gets recognition and respect of their own desires.
Relaxation is a necessity that is treated as a luxury. Every person needs to start making time for themselves, and helping others to do so as well; taking at least a few minutes out of the day to do what they want. Anyone will feel more upbeat after a nap, a run, or just some alone time, and those feelings help everyone be more prepared for everything else throughout the day. No one can run on empty, and putting a greater emphasis on taking personal time helps ensure everyone operates at their best.