THANKSGIVING guys. Let's not forget about Thanksgiving. ABCfamily needs to stop with their count down to the count down to the twenty five days of Christmas. It's just a little ostentatious. While Thanksgiving may be misleading historically (because let's face it, we were never really all that friendly to the Native Americans), it is holiday that we celebrate as a country. It unites us as a country, and more specifically, families and friends. It's about being thankful and giving back, which we often forget to do often getting to caught up in daily activities. Not to mention, it's great holiday for eating.
Thanksgiving is about giving to the community. Why would we overlook a holiday with such genuine intentions? Giving back is important for society and the individual. It's almost romantic to see so many people come together for a common selfless deed. It is the time of year to volunteer at soup kitchen and make dinners for families in need. It is the least commercialized of all the holidays, and therefore the most special.
Not to mention that Thanksgiving is just a fantastic holiday to celebrate. Food! All of the glorious food. I'm talking stuffing, mash potatoes, and turkey. ALL the turkey. AND gravy. ALL the gravy. I can't decided what's more important turkey or gravy? How about the lovely pies? All the pies; lemon meringue pie, apple pie, pumpkin pie, pudding pie, and so much more. I also look forward to hot chocolate and warm apple cider.
Another reason why Thanksgiving is the best is because of the crafty decorations. What's more aesthetically pleasing than turkey hands and pumpkins made out of construction paper? Wonderful cute knick knacks with pilgrims and native americans on them are pleasing to eye, too. It's also at the time of year that presents the last moments of fall. The trees are changing and the clocks ticking an hour later. It is an important entrance into a new season.
However, those of you who I still have not convinced that Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, consider this: celebrating Christmas early ruins the holiday. It will make you a cynic. Or at least it makes me cynical. It ruins the novelty of Christmas. Christmas movies, and Christmas music, Christmas cookies, and Christmas magic. The magic of Christmas lies in the fact that it only comes once a year. Commercials make Christmas seem redundant. It distracts Christmas from its true meaning. Not to mention, it makes logical sense to celebrate Christmas after Santa comes in parade.
So maybe instead of an extra twenty five days of Christmas, how about a marathon for Thanksgiving? Though, we would need some more Thanksgiving movies to watch first. We need to start working on that.