Everyone in this present day has grown up with an expectation of what they are supposed to do. It usually is: go to school, get a degree, start a family, max out your credit card and live in debt. Not to mention have children with the hope that they grow up rich enough to clear the debt you built yourself. It is just a cycle we all tend to follow and when we tend to deviate from this norm, society lashes out against us. Things society expects us to do, like go to college in order to be something in life, but when a group of people who just rely on their talent to make a living become successful, society tends to criticize them.
Now don't get me wrong, education is great, but the importance placed on it is just outrageous. From a Bachelor's degree to a Master's degree then you need a doctorate degree to be really considered an academic scholar. If it so important, why do some institutions of higher learning charge an outrageous amount of money for education making it a financial challenge for the less privileged to afford what society terms as important? I think talent should be encouraged just as much as education.