When I was in elementary school, it went without saying that I had to invite all of my classmates to my birthday party. It was indisputable. Even if there was just one person that I didn’t get along with, I invited them to my party anyway. For some odd reason, having a lot of friends to celebrate my birthday with was some sort of accomplishment.
As more of my birthdays passed, I always felt pressured about the number people I acquainted myself with and the amount good friends I had. When high school rolled around, it was normal for some kids to enter and exit with the same friends you concluded your previous years with. However, I couldn’t stop myself from outgrowing what I had previously known so well, and these years brought about a certain evolution of myself.
When I began to recognize who I was and who I wanted to eventually be, I crafted friendships that further refined my character, and more importantly, made me happy. Now that I’m older and out of high school, these friends now mean more to me than anything else in the world. From what started out as witty small talk in the hallways has transformed into a partnership that now gets me through the twists and turns of my life and brings bits of happiness along the way.
Once I stopped worrying about the number of friends I had, the true meaning of friendship set up camp in my heart.
My best friends have never failed to coach me through tough times, celebrate the exciting moments, and wholeheartedly accept me exactly as I am. So even if there wasn’t always an entire ensemble there to cheer me on, I’ve never cared. I got lucky with the friends that I’ve made and I wouldn’t trade them for any large assembly of wishy-washies.
If you’re lucky enough to find even just a few people who accept and love you for who you are, you’ll never have to worry about what others may think. Even if you’re different or even a little weird, finding the right people represents your niche in this life, wherever it may be.
As I blow out the flimsy and melting candles on my birthday cake this year, I’ll be able to look around and feel at home with those whom I’ve chosen to surround myself with. My friends have brought color into a world which I once saw as black and white and have allowed me to create myself into someone I’m proud to be.
Therefore, the number is and always will be an illusion that humans have created, for quality surpasses quantity in every aspect!