Since we were little we have been told to "wait" or to "be patient." Sometimes we were told this for little things, like when we were too anxious for mom to finish dinner or for a friend to come over to play. Now, we become anxious for much bigger things, like future endeavors or plans.
Like a child, we try to listen to Gods call for us to remain patient. We read the verses in the Bible encouragin us to be patient in hopes that the little reminder will be a nice pick-me-up during the week. We pray asking God to lead us on the path of his choosing, but in the back of our minds we still sit worrying and wondering about the future and the plans God has in store for us.
For me, I have become anxious about my plans after graduation. I want answers fast, and as an OCD planner, I want to have everything figured out on my own time. I have a set plan in my mind and although I know that a few curve balls might come a long the way, I know that God is calling me in a certain direction. Although I hear and understand Gods call, I know for a fact that I am not patiently awaiting God's timing.
I think for many people coming up on a transitional time of life, we struggle with the idea of patiently awaiting Gods plan and Gods timing. We become anxious about the change and because of this anxiety, we start to micromanage ever aspect of our lives, forgetting that we should take time to consult God on our decisions and ideas.
I challenge you this semester or this year to give God time. Although things might not happen when we want them to, God has a plan. I challenge you to sit back and relax, allowing God to make good of all the work He has in store. As I challenge you, I am also challenging myself. I know that this semester is going to be a bumpy one with graduation, searching for a job, and the possibility of moving states. I know that this semester will be full of changes and goodbyes, but through all of that I know that if I am patient and I act on Gods timing, that all will be made good!
If we are patient in all things, God will make good and blessings will soon follow. I know this is very easy to write down and to tell ourselves that we are going to do, but I also know how challenging the reality of patience is. It is not always easy to rely on God. It is not easy to not act on our own ideas and time. But if we consult with God before we make decisions and patiently wait for what He has in store, this semester and this year should be one to beat!