I want to focus on a subject that is most often overlooked and/or passed to the side without hesitation. This subject or concept, if you wish, is easily forgotten. At this point, I am very sure that you may have a plethora of ideas that have arisen within your consciousness. I am going to be covering the concept of staying true to who you are – even in the tough circumstances.
It is imperative that we, as human beings, remember and never again forget who we choose to believe to be real and true. As in, what are our gods? Personally, I believe in an awesome, amazing, all-loving, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent God, that created everything that we know, see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. He also created everything in the past, present, and future. For people who believe in this same great God, you must never forget about Him. He is our everything. Not only that, but He created who we are and who we will be in the quickly approaching days. Whomever or whatever you believe in, there is some connection to a miracle. That miracle is . . . YOU. Never ever forget that, ever. Human beings are a blessing and a miracle. Once we are born, it is up to us to decide what we want to do with our lives which becomes vastly more evident as we progress through the many phases of our lives.
With all of that aside, we get to what you came here for, why is it important to stay true to who you are? That is a very good question, a question that has an even deeper meaning than what is originally conceived within your subconscious. To understand the importance of staying true to yourself, you must first know yourself. There are so many possibilities and with so many people not truly figuring out who they truly are until it is seemingly one day too late. This reason is because how can one be true to themselves if they do not know who they truly are? So, take some time to do some soul searching. This could help you in every aspect of who you are and as well as in any relationships that you will have whether they are serious, intimate, or just casual. Let’s be honest, you probably aren’t going to figure it all out in one fell swoop. It will take some time as well as some specific events until you realize what pieces you actually have for this puzzle that is . . . YOU. Being who you are is important because there are so few people who do so. The more that you be you, the easier it will be to be you even when everything is pushing against it.
When I put everything together, the true importance of being you is up to you. I hold this concept in high regard. I must be myself or else I am not me. Being you should be high on your list because you were made a specific and unique way. Why would you change that? Just to be more like someone else? There’s no sense in that. All in all, most people tend to overlook the importance of being their selves, but this concept is something that should not be taken lightly. You never know what may come your way if you are being yourself and that’s what makes life interesting.