“Look at your five closest friends. Those five friends are who you are. If you don’t like who you are, then you know what to do…” –Will Smith
I believe that the greatest blessing on this earth are relationships. Whether the relationships be platonic or intimate, having someone to share your time with on this earth is one of the most special things this life has to offer. We were brought to this earth to form close bonds and create memories with others. We were not meant to be alone. Whether or not you believe that God created the woman for the man, the man for the woman, or none of the above, we were meant to make friends, love each other, and create lasting relationships with one another. However, I believe that these relationships that we choose to have are a direct reflection of who we will become in the future. Although we are able to make our own choices, we are the company that we keep. The saying goes “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”…and trust me ladies and gentlemen the saying is true.
If you have goals to purchase your own home within the next year and you want to save money…why are you hanging around friends who constantly want to spend money and aren’t worried about their finances? If you want to get that 4.0 this semester …why do you allow yourself to party every weekend with those who don’t place an importance on their education? If you want a healthy marriage, why do you associate with men who cheat on their wives, or wives who disrespect their husbands? Often times we get so caught up in making friends, that we forget to stop and comprehend the types of relationships we have created. The vocabulary we use, the mannerisms we obtain, and the character we portray can all be taken from those that we surround ourselves with. Surround yourself with people that your future self will thank you for. Surround yourself with people who are right there to pick you up when you fall. Surround yourself with the friends you want your children or your future children to grow up with.
When we were children, our parents and our teachers would always tell us to say no to peer pressure and to stay away from those who tell us what to do. But what if our peers that we are supposed to veer from were “pressuring” us to succeed? Apply for that Job! Ask for a raise! Study for that test! Save your money! What we often don’t realize is that not all peer pressure is negative. To succeed, we must surround ourselves with those who want to build us up…with those who want to see us succeed. We need encouragement. We need advice. We need peer pressure. On the other hand, don’t ignore that gut feeling when people pressure you to make foolish decisions. Your gut feeling is almost always right. I’m not saying that friends who constantly place a stress on your life are good friends. But, what I am saying is that sometimes we need that extra “umph” or push from our friends to get the ball rolling. And, if that “umph” is encouragement to succeed, take reasonable risks, and do great things in our lives, then that is the “pressure” you want to listen to.
I strongly believe in removing toxic, negative, rude, and unsupportive people from your life. Whether you remove friends or family, you must do what is necessary to keep your mind and body happy, healthy, and whole. Seek refreshing relationships. Find family who will hold you accountable. Seek friends who help you accomplish your goals. All of these decisions regarding relationships that you make now will have a beneficial effect on your future later. These positive relationships will deem positive peer pressure. So I challenge you…as you go through your everyday life, ask yourself….am I listening to positive or negative peer pressure?