Being your best self is making sure you live every day of your life to the fullest while treating all of those around you with happiness, respect, and kindness. Everyone has their own uphill battle their fighting no matter how big or small and when you chose to interact with everyone you come in contact with that in mind it can really have a powerful impact on not only your own life but other people around you as well.
I learned what it was to be your best self-growing up and going to camp. I was at a place where no matter how sad I was when I was at home, or whatever was going on in my world outside of camp, that I could be happy at camp. That happiness from a week full of adventure began to radiate throughout the rest of the year as well, and as I got older I really valued that importance of happiness. I realized when I was there I, and everyone else was often their own best self. This was a mindset that I realized was vital in living a happy life.
For me personally, being my best self is smiling at strangers, holding doors, picking up trash, killing people with kindness, caring about everyone around you, and keeping a positive attitude. It has allowed me to handle situations more maturely, and a positive outlook on life as a whole. It has allowed me to treat others with kindness when most other times it would be difficult to do so. I feel like a better role model for my sister and the kids I work with in the summers, and I am absolutely proud of the person I am.
Those things are all so important especially when I and many of my peers are getting older and closer to moving out and beginning to do life on our own. I urge everyone to find what it means to be their best self and put those ideas into practice in their everyday lives, the payoff is tremendous, and the positive effect it can have on others is also a huge benefit.
It is so important to be your best self, and for others to be their best self. It is a motto I use so very often in my writing, in everyday life. Having an attitude that is positive in all aspects of life can be contagious if that's how you live your life others will soon follow. Positive energy is the best kind of energy.