As high school students we are required to take 4 english classes, 4 social studies, and 4 math classes. Along with 3 sciences and 2 foreign languages. I don’t know about you but I don’t think in my life I will need everything that I learned in my math classes. Yes it gives us another way of thinking, but doesn’t really teach us how to function in life or gives us information we will need in the future. But Ag classes on the other hand teach you new ways of thinking, along with valuable leadership abilities and a knowledge of agriculture. Sadly not every student or adult has taken an agriculture class and they are lacking the experience of the class. According to the school system every class has the same value in a student's life. But, why is it important for young adults to take agriculture courses?
The knowledge you gain from being in an ag class can help you in the long run. According to a nationwide survey performed by food dialogues 72% of consumers know nothing or very little about farming or ranching. Learning about where your food and clothes and basically everything comes from is very important. In addition attending an ag class doesn’t mean all you learn about is ag. Ag classes teach leadership qualities, work ethic, common courtesy among other things students will need as they carry out their lives. These qualities learned in the classroom help in developing future leaders for obstacles that may come their way. In the workforce you will need good recommendations, and there are qualities that employers look for and through the agriculture education curriculum you develop the virtues.
Speaking of jobs and career paths; there are hundreds of different paths in agriculture whether animal, plant, leadership, mechanics, engineering. The USDA also estimates there are or will be 54,400 annual opening for individuals who have bachelor degrees or equivalent in the agriculture industry. That’s a lot of jobs and not enough people to fill them. If more people enrolled in agriculture courses then they would have a pretty bright future with all the careers opening up. These students that have taken agriculture classes won’t have to worry about finding a job once graduating because there is so much opportunity. Thanks to the knowledge and experience in ag. With a growing industry careers are opening up in every aspect of agriculture. There is a demand for career and technical teachers that is growing by the demand for students wanting to go into a CTE related field.
But not everyone who takes an agriculture class goes into an ag related field. And that’s ok they still carry the information and background of the leadership and friendships made in the class. For some students the ag class they take is there favorite. Some students just don’t do great in other classes, but when attending agriculture classes they feel they accomplish and achieve more in agriculture. These students feel that they don’t really fit in, in the other classes, but letting them have agriculture and letting them find their niche is something that everyone needs in a rough time such as high school. Ag ed can bring students out of there shells and transform them into the leaders of tomorrow. It may even help them find out what they want to do in life. Agriculture education isn’t something that is just academically helpful, it is helpful in personal and emotional ways. Maybe not everyone experiences but to some agriculture education in the light in a dark tunnel.
Agriculture education is vital to the survival to the human race. If all the farmers quit consumers would not be able to survive. Which is why everyone should be required to take an agriculture class, so they can provide for themselves if it came down to it. Survival in the business world as well with learning speaking skills and leadership qualities along with the value of hard work taught by SAE. With the growing population the agriculture industry is facing difficulties with not enough people to fill the career slots avaliable. So what better way to help solve this problem then get more students involved in agriculture.