As the wise Buddha once said, "Let that shit go"
We all know everything changes and nothing stays the same. And yet, we continuously hold on and attach ourselves to things, people, places that we know will change. We think if we hold on to "the way it was" it will always remain that way. But the truth of the matter is, hopelessly holding on will cause you to suffer more.
Being open to change and simply going with the natural flow of life, will bring about peace and happiness. It is called "the wisdom of insecurity." Realizing that every aspect of our lives will undoubtedly change in a period of time and that everything is impermanent will allow for a much happier lifestyle than inducing suffering by being attached to things staying the same. We realize that relaxing and letting go is a wiser way to live.
We realize that there will always be good and bad, happy times and sad times, moments of pride and joy and moments of embarrassment or sorrow. Desperately holding on to the beautiful, picture perfect memories and blocking out the hate-filled, regretful ones can only end in disappointment.
We realize that we have no control over what happens and that things naturally change. The leaves change come fall, the sunsets earlier and the air becomes colder. We all know it is inevitable, we know we cannot stop it and we know it will come, but we don't know how severe it will be. We all know there will always be bad times, but we don't know to what extent or degree. Same goes for the good times. Basking in the uncertainty of it all and gaining the ability to flow with the changes, makes for a more peaceful way of life.
When we realize that everything passes away, not only the good things but the painful things as well, we find a composure in their midst.
Thinking back on all the regrets, mistakes and overall bad experiences of our lives won't change the outcome, nor will anticipating the future and pre-determining an event to go poorly. Unfortunately, the same goes for the good times. We can always and should always hope for the best possible outcome and life overall, but it doesn't mean these moments will last forever.
Live each day in the present. Shake off the bad mornings of missed alarm clocks, spilt coffee and bumper-to-bumper traffic to enjoy an afternoon of lunch with an old friend, a quiet office or a mid-day workout.
Most importantly, let. that. shit. go. It happened in the past and therefore it is no longer relevant to your present life and future. Worrying does nothing but give you wrinkle lines and a negative vibe.