The humdrum of our daily lives will inevitably get the best us. There are days where we lay on the horn when someone cuts us off. Some days we feel like not making eye contact with the barista when they ring us up for our morning cup of coffee. We get so wrapped up in our lives as we simultaneously, inadvertently dehumanize those around us.
This phenomenon is occurring at a rapid rate with the reliance of technology. We constantly distance ourselves from social interaction when we have the opportunity. We distance ourselves from social interaction when we use the self-checkout machines in grocery stores. We especially shut ourselves off when we use the Internet to shop online, or any other service that we utilize as a means of convenience.
Because this phenomenon has reached new heights in recent years, musicians and artists alike are in peril. The digital age allows for easy access to a plethora of music. Streaming services allow the listener to hear most anything they desire instantaneously, all with costing less than a new studio album. Since there are so many beneficial aspects of streaming services, it seems rather futile to question the implications of using such services.
But that’s exactly what I intend to do!
So if you’ll indulge me, here is an earful from an old man banging the ceiling with a broom handle, telling you hood rats to turn it down! (And please, for the love of all that is holy, support your favorite artists.)
The moral integrity of streaming services has long been in question in regards to artist royalties. One very popular streaming service claims that 100 percent of the per-stream royalty goes to independent artists. However, what this said streaming service does not mention is that these independent artists get paid less than one cent per listen. In fact, one play is going to get you about one-tenth of a cent if you are an independent artist. Yeah, let that sink in.
With artists receiving so little, the only way to actually make money from making music is if you are a mainstream artist, even though you most likely aren’t going to get much more from streaming services than independent artists since only a fraction of the royalties goes to the artist.
Okay, so now I guess you can think of me as being a hipster grandpa as I complain about mainstream music and how kids today don’t know a thing about fidelity.
Even modern mainstream music is becoming more devoid of humanity in the digital age. It is as if we are glorifying dullness and dehumanizing the intellect as we strip the studio performance of its human qualities so we get that perfect auto-tuned vocal take. German band Kraftwerk poked fun at the future of technology in music in many of their songs. Their famous song, “The Robots” is a perfect example of their hilarious tongue-in-cheek message that technology is both simultaneously amazing and terrible as we strip away humanity.
But really, what is the purpose of the majority of mainstream music? As I listen to some popular music today, I cannot help but question the mindlessness of catchy hooks and absurd lyrics, sterile vocals and common chord progressions. There doesn’t, unfortunately, seem to be much purpose to mainstream music other than to make money.
But as aspiring musical artists release material, very few people actually buy merchandise and support musical acts. Basically, all people want is your music, but they aren’t willing to pay for it since we can get stream it for free. However, when you come to my show and don’t buy merchandise because you can just stream it, you are telling me that you don’t feel that my music is worth anything.
Just as we ignore the cashier and deny their humanity, we do this with the artist as we glorify the businessman of no artistic merit.
Alas, there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel for the musician. Art is literally the most important stuff out there in the world created by humans. Can you imagine a life without it? We need art in order to live. It gives meaning to life, which is more than money has ever done for us.
Although all odds are against musicians in making money, putting your art out in the world is vital. Although there is little financial incentive to making music, we have to create no matter what. As an artist, our ultimate goal is to give our own lives meaning and to inspire others. It is our goal to be a light that sees through the darkness.
So don’t let your incentive as an artist be in financial gains. No matter what walk of life, if that’s where your heart is, then you have lost the game entirely.
We should give artists a chance that are showing us their humanity through their music and shy away from soulless artists that obviously are only in it for monetary gains. I may seem like I am being cruel, but there is music out there that is vicious towards the very nature of your soul.
So I present you with a few challenges: go to more shows, listen to entire albums start to finish and buy merchandise for a band that you like! You also may be putting off your artistic endeavors because you think that it is not as important compared to the job that’s going to put food on the table. I am telling you that you need to stop making excuses and create what you desire. Do I need to repeat myself about the importance of what you have to offer the world?
I don’t see streaming services leaving anytime soon. It will be something we have to embrace with open arms. However, that doesn’t mean we can continue ignoring the people that write our favorite music. Our society needs to start respecting humanity again, and we can start by conversing with the cashier.