"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
The trees are bare in winter, flowers grow in the spring. One thing is for sure every tree doesn't look the same without leaves and every flower isn't going to be the same shade of color. Nothing is better than imperfection. We all can't be 100 lbs. We all can't be calm or even the next Albert Einstein but that's what makes us unique. Do you have those people that when you're around them you feel like you can be completely goofy and not seem crazy? Girls, we don't have to wear ten pounds of makeup every day in order to be beautiful. Our flaws are what defines us and molds us into who we are. Guys, y'all don't need the new Jordans, fancy clothes or nice cars to get a girl's attention. What's the point in life if you can't be true to yourself? Being normal is boring. Think outside the box a little bit more. Dance in your room when you're happy. Leave the fancy clothes and makeup off for a little why and go as you are. If you can't be your true self then who can you be?