Imagine being in high school again, but it's different, you are the outsider.
Imagine being bullied to the point where you want to disappear.
Being called "too thin" or "anorexic".
Being shunned for just being yourself.
Imagine trying to fit in, but no one even allows you to try.
Being made fun of because you're different, because you don't conform to the crowd.
Being ignored because you stray from the norm.
Imagine leaving for college, finally, you are away from the chaos, for now.
Imagine coming back for the summer, and witnessing the same high school shit.
Being talked down to.
Being backstabbed.
Being betrayed.
Feeling the same emotions you felt in high school;
Wanting to leave.
Wanting to never come back.
Wanting to die.
But wait...
Imagine leaving for good, and moving to a town where no one knows your past.
Imagine finally being happy.
Imagine never looking back when you have the future to look towards.
Imagine never going back to that town that made you cry towards the heavens for change.
Imagine being free.