I'm A Young Woman And I'm Voting For Donald Trump
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I'm A Young Woman And I'm Voting For Donald Trump

Say what you want, but he supports my non-negiotiable voting issues.

I'm A Young Woman And I'm Voting For Donald Trump

My first election as a legal voter is November 8, 2016, and my first presidential vote is going to Donald J. Trump.

Last week before my Psych midterm, I reposted an article written by a woman named Kelly Quelette on her personal blog about why she was voting for Donald Trump, inadvertently starting a political war among a high school classmate and some of their Facebook friends. I didn’t intend for that to happen, but I’m honestly not surprised. I won’t lie when I say Donald Trump has said some rude and hurtful things, and honestly, he should stay off Twitter for a while and take some tips from running mate Mike Pence, because that guy has his stuff together. Trump scares people, and I understand that. Part of it is probably because of how unpredictable and random he is, but quite frankly, I’m scared of Hillary Clinton, and I will never cast a vote for her in my life.

The article by Quelette listed four reasons why she will be voting for Trump over Clinton, and I agree with each one of them, but here I’m going to highlight my own personal reasons why I’m casting a vote for a Trump presidency.

1. Pro-life

I’m a practicing Catholic, and I’m proud of it. I believe in the sanctity of life as the Church does, and I believe that life begins at conception. According to the National Right to Life Political Action Committee website, Trump has openly admitted to not always being pro-life, but having a change of heart that made him reevaluate the gift of life. Clinton, however, voted to endorse Roe v. Wade in 2003, and said in 2016, “The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights” and said she believed this was true even on the child’s due date. An unborn child can feel pain at 20 weeks gestation – isn’t sensation of pain something all of us living humans feel? I was forever changed by the 2014 March for Life in Washington, D.C. Norma McCorvery, better known to most as Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade fame, is now actively works as a member of the pro-life movement to overturn Roe v. Wade. The fact that the woman who started it all is now an outspoken critic of it speaks volumes as to the true nature of the legal, but heinous, action.

2. Benghazi and Hillary’s 33,000 missing emails

Bernie Sanders may be tired of hearing about Clinton’s “damn emails,” but I’m sure not. Clinton held a private email server for official government business and paid her staffers to maintain the server and lied about it. Trump may have said some mean things, but his statements didn’t result in the deaths of 4 American citizens in Benghazi after they called for backup.

3. National Security

Just as Quelette said in her article, the national security of the United States will be in serious jeopardy with Hillary Clinton as president. Yes, especially as a Christian, I believe that we should help our brothers and sisters around the world and my heart hurts for the Syrian refugees, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with screening who we let into our country. National security should be one of the top priorities for all voters, especially with the history of terrorist attacks on our great nation.

4. Mike Pence

I love Mike Pence. The guy has his act together and is so incredibly calm, collected, and well put together for the Vice Presidential Debate. Pence has extensive experience in politics, while Trump is experienced in business and economics and has no political experience. Pence is smart enough to wisely advise Trump in areas he is not as much of an expert in and is smart enough to know who to advise Trump, especially in terms of war and negotiation.

Casting a vote for a president comes down to moral issues and while many people disagree with what Donald Trump has said and continues to say, I can never cast a vote for a candidate who is responsible for the deaths of American citizens that could have been prevented, and I can never cast a vote for a candidate that allows the legal murder of innocent children.

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