Most people would agree that college is a time to be adventurous and crazy, with hardly a care in the world. Often times, though, you're able to go out and be carefree like that because you have a 'mom friend' who is constantly in the background making sure everything goes smoothly. Every group has one friend who often takes a lot of responsibility for the whole group.
I am that friend in almost every situation.
Need somebody to make sure you don't go too crazy? I'm your gal. Need a ride to a party? Hop in. Need someone to take you to the store? I'm there.
This doesn't just apply to a specific group of friends, either. If you were to ask anybody from any circle of friends that I have, they would almost all tell you that this is true. So I've learned that it's not situational, but in fact, it's just the kind of person I am.
I know it sounds boring — people are telling me all the time to go out and do fun things and let somebody else be the responsible one for a change. But honestly, I think being the mom friend is more fun. I am a bit of a control freak so by being the responsible one it allows me to call most of the shots which really satisfies my controlling nature. I do still go out sometimes, but I choose to watch over my friends because I'd rather be the one to do it, rather than have nobody watching out for their well-being.
I also enjoy being alone every now and then. I don't go to bed early, either, I'm usually awake just as late as everyone else. So on weekends when all my friends are out socializing, sometimes it's nice to sit back and be alone until I get the phone call that they're ready to be picked up.
Not to mention, I love providing for people just like many moms do. If you're a friend of mine and you get sick, expect a care package full of remedies, healthy food, and other things that will make you feel better. If you need help studying, I'll stay up all night with you creating study guides and testing you on information for a class I'm not even taking. If you're going through something and don't know what to do, I feel as though I've had enough life experience to offer some sort of advice. I love to help people with every sort of task, so being the mom friend isn't so much exhausting as it is genuinely fun for me.
Some may say I'm wasting the best years of my life by caring too much and not living on the edge, but I'm living exactly the way I want to. You'll thank me when you need a ride from a party and I'm the only person awake who can drive you home.
In conclusion: If you ever need a friend you know is going to have your best interest at heart, I'm always open to adopting more children!