Looking Back At The First Steps Of Getting My Breast Reduction | The Odyssey Online
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Looking Back At The First Steps Of Getting My Breast Reduction

There was no doubt about it; I was scared.

Looking Back At The First Steps Of Getting My Breast Reduction
Tiffany Barrentine

Last year I started an amazing journey that changed my life for the better. I wrote about it in my latest article: I'm The Girl Who Finally Got A Breast Reduction, And Now I Know Less Is More.

It was a basic overview of my journey and due to the amazing response to it, I decided to write a more in-depth series. I hope this series can change some minds for those who are on the fence.

My thyroid was out of whack for most of last semester, and I finally made an appointment with my doctor to get it checked and balanced again. Before I went, my mom mentioned to me that if I was still interested in looking into a reduction then I could.

I went to my doctor's appointment with a new mindset. Instead of being worried about my thyroid, I was excited to ask about something that I've wanted for years.

With a slight hesitation, I was given a plastic surgeon referral and orders for a back x-ray. I was alone at this point in my journey, and I had no clue what to do first. I ended up going to the hospital to get the x-rays done.

The drive back to my apartment after this appointment was a rare quiet one. The hospital is about 45 minutes to an hour away from my apartment, and I usually am jamming out to whatever music or musical that I'm into at the time. Low key, Hamilton was my jam for that semester (no regrets).

There was no doubt about it; I was scared. I was scared that the x-rays would come back with nothing wrong with me. I was scared that by making the plastic surgery consult, I was giving in to the hype and stigma of plastic surgery. In October, I was constantly seeing celebrities being bashed in the media for admitting to having some sort of work done or hiding getting their work done.

After talking with my roommate about it, I decided to make the appointment with the surgeon. After all, the worst they can say is "no."

I hope you're enjoying my experience with this as much as I am telling it. It was hard for me to tell my friends and family about it, but once the word was out -- I've never felt happier.

I'll be publishing a continuation soon, so stay tuned!

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