I was reading an article recently about a teacher in Texas who is being investigated for having a few of those really funny (some may say inappropriate) teacher e-cards on her Pinterest page. As I was reading it I thought to myself, this might be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. I also thought this could just as easily be me. I admit I have the teacher humor e-cards on a board on my Pinterest page, because I find them hilarious and truthful. Lastly, I thought I've read other articles like this and I still find it ludicrous that teachers don't seem to be able to have a life outside of school without being persecuted for it.
All through our training in college the golden rule was: If you are going to have social media, keep it under wraps. Lock it down. Which I understand not wanting potential employers to see those beer pong skills you had in college. The common sense rule was that you included students' parents in that realm of people to hide social media from as well. However, that becomes a little trickier than you think, because you never know whom are friends with whom. Especially on sites like Pinterest. It is exhausting having to think through every possible scenario that could get me into trouble on social media. The only argument I can reason with is: yes I'm a teacher, but I'm also a human being.
I understand as an educator I am held to a higher code of conduct than, dare I say it, any other profession out there. I don't hear many cases of doctors or lawyers being investigated for what is on their Pinterest page. I am entitled to put what I would like on my own page regardless of my profession. I should be allowed to have a life outside of school. Given I spend a lot of time at school, but I don't plug into the wall at night and live there. I'm allowed to find things humorous even if it might seem offensive to some. I'm allowed to go out and buy alcohol because every once in a while I like, and need, to unwind. I'm allowed to have my own opinion on different topics and voice them. As long as I'm not preaching these things in the classroom I don't understand how that pertains to affecting my students' or their parents' lives.
Now as I read through the comments that were left after this article I realized a lot of people shared my thoughts. They realize teaching is a tough profession. A few mentioned they have bought alcohol as teacher's appreciation gifts just for putting up with their kids. There were teachers that made comments such as being reprimanded when they returned to school the following Monday for being seen buying unsavory items (beer and tampons) by parents at the school. A lot of them stated the obvious that the site has no affiliation with the school. My personal favorite statement was, "I wish someone's Pinterest page was the worst thing about our education system."
I enjoyed these comments because they are all truthful. Last time I checked I never took a vow of silence, sobriety, or chastity. My career choice doesn't define who I am as a person. It is one of the many facets that make up me as a person. Honestly if you want to monitor a teacher's social media, go for it, but don't be surprised when you see the many other facets that make up their lives. I know many teachers who travel, drink like champs, spend time with their family and friends, and have some of the most interesting hobbies around. Again go ahead and monitor me, but don't be surprised or offended when you see me being a regular person who happens to teach.