It's prom season!! And you know what that means: Facebook dress group chats and your Instagram feed blowing up from everyone posting pics of their punny promposals and whatnot. However, the one thing not on my Insta feed this spring is a promposal.
Why, you may ask?
Well, because I’m not going to prom.
I will not lie, I love to get all dressed up, putting on a dress, and getting my hair and makeup done, but I am not going to my senior prom. I went to my junior prom and had a blast, but once is enough for me. It is not because I do not have a date, I actually had a few boys to pick from, I just do not want to go. I thought about it long and hard. "What if I regret it?" has been the most common question I asked myself. If I do not want to go now, why will I have wanted to go when I am 40?
Prom does not seem to be all it is cracked up to be. I am so over high school and just want to be done with it all. I want graduation to come sooner rather than later. What is the big deal about skipping prom? People say it is not worth the hassle of paying for everything. Prom is not the best thing about high school. Lacrosse games and getting McFlurry’s after football games was and will always be more my favorite memories and they are so much better than prom because it happened more than once.
I am happy with my decision not to go. My mom still has my dress in the basement incase I change my mind last minute, but I have a fun night planned with my girls that night.
You telling me that I will regret my decision and trying to force me to change my mind is not going to do me any good, no good at all. If you ever encounter someone, male or female, that does not want to go to their very own senior prom, do not push them.
You will only make them feel bad about their decision, do you really want that on your shoulders?