As the Olympics quickly approach, we as Americans come together and gain a sense of pride in our nation. For a brief time, our differences are put aside and we truly are “One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” This gathering of nations makes us realize many reasons why we should be proud of the country we all call home. Here is a list of a few of the never ending reasons to love being an American citizen:
- America is a melting pot of so many different cultures. The United States is unique in that it is a country originally formed by immigrants from all regions of the world.
- We have the freedom to be who we want to be. Soldiers fight for our right to live in a free country every day, which is often taken for granted.
- We have the right to vote. Even though this election is a complete mad house with polar opposite candidates, citizens have the privilege to vote on who will be leading the country for the next four years.
- All Americans have access to education. Public education is provided for all kids from kindergarten through high school. We also have a great higher education system that can be taken advantage of by any citizen willing to put in the time and effort to gain knowledge.
- We have the right to speak our opinions freely, even when they may differ from those around us or may seem offensive.
- Apple pie, a traditional American dessert, can be paired with almost any meal.
- Hot dogs at baseball games. There’s nothing more American than being a child, sitting in the stands cheering on the home team, while eating a hot dog with your dad.
- College football on Saturdays bring people together with a shared love and devotion to either their alma mater or just their favorite team.
- Sweet tea because, let’s be real, drinking unsweetened tea is just un-American.
- Freedom of religion. We can practice our own faith without fear of execution or punishment.
- We have a multitude of gold medalists in the Olympics. Who doesn't get chills as the national anthem is played while an athlete from our homeland stands on the top tier pedestal with an American flag wrapped around their shoulders?
- We have a holiday for everything. Americans are up for celebrating anything, especially if alcohol will be consumed in the process.
- Country music. What’s more stereotypical American than singing about love, beer, or a dog?
- Driving down a back road of our beautiful country with the windows down and the wind blowing through your hair
- Barbecues in the backyard with the ones you love is a beloved American pastime, and one of the best ways to spend a sunny summer afternoon.
These are only a few of the hundreds of reasons why we should all love being Americans. Even after the Olympics pass, we should all stand by our country and be grateful that we live in the greatest nation on Earth. We should strive to remain united long after the closing ceremonies are over and all of the athletes return home.