Have you ever thought about exactly what you are particular about, whether it's big or small? Well, me either. Not until for some reason I was thinking about certain things I do a certain way on the daily. Then I thought, "hey, there's kind of a cool blog idea", and here I am. However, I am not going to discuss and tell you irrelevant things that I may be particular about in my life-- I'm going to try not to, anyway. Three of the four things I am going to talk about mean a lot to me, at least at this time of my life. And the fourth one, I just think is amusing yet relatable.
The first thing that I have noticed I am pretty particular about is my mornings. Factors in my morning including what time I wake up, my productivity, how I'm feeling in general, and of course, my coffee... very important. On a side note, growing up, my dad always strongly encouraged a routine on my siblings and I. A set routine for the mornings before school and a set routine for the evenings after school. In my "rebellious teen days", I absolutely hated the idea of a routine and how he always encouraged it, for no good reason. It was a stage, I suppose. But now, I LOVE having a routine. (You were right dad, again) I'm not particular about it being the exact same thing every day but doing similar things at the same time everyday brings me some sort of joy and satisfaction. For me, my morning is what sets me off for the day and determines how my day is going to go and it is hard for me to get out of the funk if my morning wasn't so good.
Moving on, another thing I have found I am pretty particular about is my workouts. I do not want this one to come off the wrong way. I am not trying to make myself sound like this meat head who has to have a kickass workout everyday to feel good about myself-- I don't even know how much I can bench press and frankly, I don't care. Nonetheless, I love my workouts. I love having that time to myself with my headphones in and pushing my body. I am particular about my workouts in a sense of when I am finishing up, I prefer to be drenched in sweat and have my muscles trembling from whatever weightlifting I decided to do that day. And I think that's pretty reasonable and relatable.
The third thing that I found I am the most particular about is my surroundings. What I mean by that is the people I surround myself with, what kind of environment I am in and just what is going on around me in general. I am a type of person that feeds off the energy of the people and places around me and thrive off of that. I love people that are friendly, motivated, upbeat, fun and genuine. I love places that are inspiring, upbeat, positive and exciting. All of those factors make me happy and give me amazing energy and I will only surround myself with that. I think, or I hope this applies to everyone. People want to be surrounded by places and people that make them feel good and give them positive energy, no matter what it is or how it may differ between people.
Finally, the not so serious thing that I am particular about, who I drive with. And by that I mean whoever is in my passenger seat or back seat. Backseat drivers, oh no. Not in my car. My family and close friends know this best, just don't mention my driving while I'm driving, ok? Ok. That is all and I know I'm not the only one that feels this way!
So, what are you particular about? Things that may be unique and different just for you. Everyone has their quirks and have things they are particular about and there is nothing wrong with that.