Roald Dahl once said, "A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, is why I'm sure he does it." Dahl managed to sum up the magic of writing all into a few simple sentences.
"He has no master except for his own soul..." I have no master except for my own soul. I am the creator, editor, and manager all-in-one of the work I produce and publish. I take pieces of my own life and spill them out onto paper or through a keyboard and it's completely me. That's how writing should be. I'm not sure about you, but when I read, I want to hear from the author's perspectives, not what the author hopes will be the most well-liked, most popular, or most viewed. Writing is a freedom that starts with the soul and remains free. Uncensored, unchanged, out-loud, free writing, it's a beautiful thing in this life.
I write because I'm selfish. Now allow me to explain. I write because I have a voice. I take my thoughts, experiences, perspectives, and emotions and write them because when it's myself and the keyboard, it feels amazingly uplifting. I feel like I deserve to shout my thoughts as loud as I want just as much as anyone else does. I do it for me, because well, I can. I can say whatever I'd like. Do you disagree? Voice it, I'm 110% open to hear your side. Are you completely on my side? Tell me how you agree. Do you want to tell your own story to the world? Type away. I wish that every writer had that 'selfish' feeling for themselves. Write for yourself and don't apologize if not everyone was pleased or satisfied with your work. It's yours, own it. Be self-centered and stop caring. Don't think you should censor yourself on an opinion. Don't stop yourself from sharing your story because 'it's not good enough.' If it was good enough for you to think about writing it, then do it. Bottom line, you are the only person who should be in control of the words you say.
There are 7,480,543,771 people in the world right now (as of the second I'm writing this sentence). That's 7,480,543,771 voices. 7,480,543,771 people that have their own story. And if you think for even one second that all 7,480,543,771 people are going to like what you have to say, you're dead wrong. Don't try and please everyone, start with yourself. Once you're happy with what you've written, then move on from there. You're not writing for the world, you're writing for yourself. Everyone has the right to their voice. No one deserves to be stifled or shut down. Solve issues by communication, not shutting the issue down and pushing it out of the way.
Write because you want to. Write what you want to. DO NOT SHUT UP! Communicate effectively. Voice your views. Always know it's okay to disagree. Be confident in your words. Love what you say. Don't write to please the majority. Write what you fully believe in.