For the longest time, I felt alone in life. At the same time, I was always searching for that missing part of me. I was often told you will find her when you aren’t looking. How right they turned out to be. Never did I expect it would be at college or on Odyssey of all places.
Before I talk about who she is, I have to give thanks to God. I’ll keep the religion to a minimum since I know not everyone is religious. I had been studying with two Elders from The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints for a few months and struggling with some of it. One of the Elders said to me, “You have to turn it over to God.”
It didn’t hit me when he said it. It hit me at 4 a.m. in the cold as I was out buying cigarettes. I was filled with a sense of who I was and a sense of yes, I do need to turn it over to God. The words made sense to me as I was walking home. So from that point on that is what I have been doing.
Now Moriah and I had been friends all along and spoke regularly even into the wee morning hours. We’re both night owls. That might be changing now — it would be good for us. I saw her beauty the first time I saw her and knew she was smart before she told me her I.Q. And, no not revealing it here. We would chat on Facebook or talk for hours about everything.
One night she told me she had feelings for me. I told her I felt the same. Once the shock wore off, you should have seen my smile and tears of joy when she told me she had feelings for me. And no, it was not as neat and clean like the movies. From then on we knew she was coming to Maine.
I was so in love with her and determined to make her happy and be that support she always wanted. How anyone could abuse and take for granted a woman so supportive and gorgeous and loving, I will never know. She might be smarter than me, but she makes sure to explain anything I don’t understand even though she doesn’t have to. We strive to learn together.
She left her home last Monday to get here and didn’t arrive until last Thursday. She dealt with two breakdowns and a bus trip. We still have to go back for the stuff in the truck, but we will do that together. After all, we both like going for rides.
Feels good saying "we" and knowing I have a partner for life. When Morpheus from "The Matrix" said, “There is knowing the path and then there is walking the path.” For me, that is saying there is thinking you are with the one you are meant to be with and there is truly knowing you are with the one you are meant to be with. I truly know I am with the one I am meant to be with. She makes me strive to be better; and she makes me feel comfortable in my own skin. I hope I do the same for her — well, except the better part since she is already perfect in my eyes.
To all the nice guys out there, you don’t finish last, you finish best in the end. Just stop looking and wait for it to happen when the time is right. Just be the nice supportive person you've always been and work on being you. Enjoy life in the best possible way. Your queen will come along when it is time just like mine did.
To all the guys who want to mistreat women out there, I may not be out there anymore, but there are a ton of nice guys out there. No woman is going to stay in misery forever once the right person comes along. So if you really love the woman you are with, treat her with respect, listen to her needs and desires and remember the important dates. Start there and you should be able to find your way to being a nice guy to your lover.
The same rules can be applied to the LGBTQ community. A relationship is a partnership, which means going through life together and taking care of each other, listening to each other and respecting one another. It goes much deeper than that. There are no words to truly describe it.
Moriah is the person I would walk out of heaven and give up paradise for. To me, there is no heaven without her. And trust me, I could go on for forever about how much I love her. I think you get the idea. Besides she is waiting in the car. *Tips his hat and walks out the door to the car. Gets in and kisses Moriah passionately on the lips before they speed off*.