A lot of people my age have a problem with religion, and that’s okay for them. Some people say that Catholics are a bunch of stuck up people and I might get a lot of shock effect when I tell my religion to people, so I decided to write about my values and how it relates to my religion.
I believe in Life.
I believe that everyone’s life counts from the time they were conceived in their uterus. But I also believe in free will because it is one of the fundamental gifts that God has given us. God gave us the right to choose and without that right of choice, then we would be slaves instead of followers. Followers believe in the word of God because they chose that it was right for them. Slaves believe in something because they are forced to.
I'm a Feminist.
Yes, I have read the Bible!
I have read the parts where they say women shouldn’t speak. However, I have read the book of Ruth and saw how one woman can save a whole nation. The Bible empowers those who read it at their weakest points. I know that my God is powerful and divine, and God only wants what is best for His children.
No, I do not believe it word for word.
Abraham did not live to be 400. No! the earth may not have been created in 7 days or that you could only be forgiven only 7 times. I believe that it should be looked at as a book of poetry. The bible was also created by Roman men who took a lot out of the bible. Remember that.
I don’t believe in songs that disrespect women.
I’m actually very particular about my music.
I don’t like songs of people who feel that it’s school to steal or smoking weed is the only way they live life because that’s not the way I live my life. Please don’t tell me that a song about pushing you off a cliff because you have no more friends is a healthy song to listen to. Or that you did not like something that your girlfriend did so you are going to go kill her now. I mean to each their own. I like to live.
I did lose my faith, but I gained it back, and that made me stronger.
I am a person who naturally questions, which has guided me to darker paths. However, only by asking questions, by trying to maintain the relationship that I have had with God is what made me stronger as a person. I understand more about my faith the more I ask questions.
Yes! I believe that there is a spirit unique inside of everyone and that everyone should be loved.
And not loved in the sense that “I love you” mushy. But I care even for the people I dislike that they do well in life. I pray for even the people that I don’t like that they have successful lives and that they learn how to better themselves every day.
Yes! I do go to parties and not all my moments are used to praise God.
I do know how to have fun. Heck one of my jobs for an entire year was to throw events/parties for college students to go to. But I have never cursed God’s name in them and I certainly prayed to God that some of my events would turn out okay.
And I DO make mistakes, but I am human.
I have sinned. Big shocker. I also realize when I have done something wrong and ask for forgiveness. We are all human.
Our church might be a little traditional.
However, our Pope is changing a lot of stuff. He is asking for people to believe in Climate Change. He is supporting LGBTQ. He is working for Women to be Priests. Things are changing with time.
I believe everyone has a purpose in this world.
And is that a bad thing to believe? I believe that every soul has a purpose in this world. Not every soul is like the other and each person should be treated the way they wish to be treated.
I believe God judges, but more importantly, He loves.
With all this battle of Transgender, LGBTQI, marriage, love; I don’t understand. Why so much of the battle, when God teaches us to love. Even if I were not to believe in equality, and in the rights of the LGBTQI community, God says to love even the people who are not following His word. So by having so much hate to a group of people, kind of makes you not following the word of the Lord.
To my Nonbelievers...
I am not saying that you have to convert to be like me, but I ask of you to accept me as I am. Do not try and convince me to not believe and that God is like believing in Santa Claus because ... you won’t. I am writing this because I have seen so much hatred towards my religion, my belief, my faith and I want people to understand what I believe in.
I believe in a God of Love. I believe in a God of Mercy. I believe in God of Hope.