I'm not registered to vote. I'm a 19 year old, white, female who is not registered to vote, and I think I'm more proud of that than I ever have been.
It is no surprise that this presidential election is going to go down in history as one of the worst decisions between two candidates. I could not name twelve people off the top of my head that have a logical argument as to why they're voting for who they're voting for except to "keep him/her out of office." I have never heard so many insults fly around the room during a presidential debate than I have this year, at every. Single. Debate.
I have not seen so many cruel and brutal social media arguments regarding the opposing party than I have this year. I have not seen so many people band together with a sole driving force of hate for the other team. It truly astonishes me the way in which America has behaved over the course of this, honestly, rough campaign held by both possible nominees. I have never, in all 19 years on this place we call home, seen so much anger, hate, sadness and utter disgust entangled in the race for who will run our country for the next four to eight years. I am genuinely terrified as to how this election will turn out: not only because of who our options are, but because of they way in which our country has decided to respond to the runners and their supporting parties.
It's crazy to think that the last election we were rejoicing for the first-time-ever-black-President winner. While some were unhappy with the outcome, yes, most were leaping for joy. We had done it, we had made history. This would be what was talked about in the years to come. And yet, this year's election we were presented with that same option: we could once again make history. However, things got a little shady, and they took a turn for what could be the worst. So the public back fired, they pulled out of what might have been history and put their strength behind a man who had great visions, just not enough to get himself to the final sprint. Then everyone dropped from the opposing party, our "winner" being only crowned as so by default. And he threw out words, and hate, and insults as if they were the overly priced clothes draping his body. So we were left with what was labeled crooked and a racist.
Maybe I'm childish for not registering and for refusing to do so. Maybe I'm lacking the knowledge to find an actual reason to register. Maybe I'm missing out on helping to make history. But I just can't fathom a rational answer. How are we to decide?
I'm not registered to vote. I'm a 19 year old, white, female who is not registered to vote, and I can't tell you how happy that makes me because I don't think I could make that decision.