Finals are a week away, and with that, summer—and no more classes. While I am excited to finally relax and de-stress, I'm not ready to leave Chapel Hill. Yes, I long for my home friends and sleeping in until noon. I can't wait to have my car back again and to be able to drive to Pelican's (the best SnoBall place ever!) whenever my heart desires. Still, I'm not ready to leave.
This past year has been so amazing, and it has changed me so much that I can't imagine going even a month without this place. There are so many reasons why I'm not ready to leave, even if it is for a short period of time.
1. I won't be able to see my best friends every day.
For me, this is a really big deal. My friends are my everything, and they have truly made me grow as a person. I have no idea what I am going to do when I can't just run into their rooms when I need to borrow something or call them up to hang out when I'm bored.
2. I will have to actually feed myself.
Being in a sorority, it is so easy just eat whatever is being served at the house that day. No preparation, no worries. Just show up and eat. But at home, I will actually have to figure out what I want to eat and actually cook it. Hello bean dip and bruschetta—the only two meals I know how to make.
3. I will have to go back to doing dishes.
Just like having to feed myself, I will also have to clean up for myself afterwards. Which means I will be rediscovering the wonders of a dishwasher and dish soap. What fun.
4. I'll miss my roommate.
Although we may get annoyed with each other, and I may complain about your forgetfulness (like when you leave appliances on and try to burn the place down), I couldn't have asked for a better freshman year roommate. So glad that, even though we went random, I didn't end up with a psycho. Since we aren't living together again next year, I'll miss your random outbursts and embarrassing dance moves.
5. I will have to say goodbye to my favorite senior.
You know exactly who you are. Your confidence inspires me, and I can't imagine not having you as my daily role model. I'm going to miss those power jumpsuits. Thanks for being so amazing and being my honorary GGBig.
Going home will be a struggle at first with all of these things, but at least I will be able to look forward to three more amazing years ahead of me -- including living with my best friends.