We are constantly told we are entitled to everything and that we have been given everything we have.
We are considered millennials because we are not the same as our parents were 20 years ago. I mean, of course not much has changed in 20 years, but to group me as a millennial is something I do not agree with.
We live in a world with new technologies, and everything might be a little easier for us because we have the technology, but I don't consider myself a millennial, and here is why:
I don't consider myself as a millennial because I have not had everything handed to me. I have had the privilege to grow up in a very traditional family that is roughly middle class, but with that being said, I am not always running to mommy and daddy for money. I have been raised to work and have a job so you can buy things for yourself and appreciate the value of a dollar.
Years ago, money was sparse for most, so when payday came around, it was a good thing, because they could provide for their families. When payday comes around for my generation, it doesn't have the same impact, because mommy and daddy just put $100.00 into their savings account. That's not how it works. You work for every penny you have, and that is what people fail to realize.
Not only do I work hard for myself, but I want the entitlement stigma to go away.
Other generations have put this stigma on my generation that we are all entitled, and I am not a part of that. I am personally offended when I am called entitled because I know how hard I work and how much I value that. We need to fear the generation under us, because they have this belief that they own everything and anything. They don't appreciate items the same way we do. I think some of this stems from the technology we have been given.
We are not entitled, nor are we lazy. And I use the term "we" very loosely, because my friends and I are not lazy. We work very hard, day in and day out, to achieve our goals, because we pay for our education. Every day we waste is more money we lose.
Our generation fails to recognize what our parents have done for us, and I know when I am an established individual with a paying job, I will give back to my parents. My parents do everything they can for me and my brothers and I appreciate that. And to show my appreciation for them, I have plans on giving back the most I can in a few years.
As children, we have duties, and I know that others do not have the same family life as I do, but we all have an influential person we love and who has done everything for us. With that being said, we need to get out of the stigma that we have everything and realize what others are doing for us.