This election has proven to be one of the most divisive elections in American history. Both of these candidates are undesirable, with a Gallup poll showing that twenty-five percent of people think Donald Trump would be a good/great president. Whereas Secretary Clinton holding thirty-three percent in that poll. But regardless, I can easily say that I don't consider myself a Hillary Clinton supporter ... but I will be voting for her.
Hillary Clinton has always been a candidate that I never had an opinion on either way. When I heard she was running in 2015, I shrugged my shoulders and thought to myself, "Interesting." And in an alternate timeline, I would've probably voted for her regardless. I've heard people talk about her scandals and they haven't held too much compared to her opponent. There have been eight Benghazi committees that were unable to find sufficient evidence, and Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), came out and said that "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping." With every other scandal that people have lined to her, they've become too convoluted to form my own thoughts on the matters. But even the scandals don't stand for why I don't call myself a supporter.
The term "supporter" gives the implication that I've been with Hillary since say one. On the contrary, I always supported Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. I've volunteered with his campaign, voted for him, and rooted for the Senator during the primary. But when it became clear that Clinton was likely to be the Democratic nominee, I realized that I had three options:
1. I could do a write-in. But as someone who criticizes that, I turned it down so that I don't seem like a hypocrite.
2. There was also the two third parties, the Green and Libertarian Parties. Nothing against either party or the people who support them, but neither of them have the influence in Congress or the Senate.
3. The classic lesser of two evils. And seeing that I refuse to vote for Trump, here we are.
I'll admit that the choice of candidates could have been better (namely Bernie), but this is an election that I can't miss.