No matter who you are, what you believe, or where you come from, we've all been there. We have all hit a point in our lives so low that it just seems as if we are not good enough. We are not good enough for our friends, our significant others, our parents or our siblings, nobody. We are not smart enough, pretty enough, or funny enough to gain the attention that we live to receive. This is one of the many common denominators we share together as a community that just isn't enough- and never will be.
BUT, the reality of this is that we are good enough. We may never see it firsthand, but we need to be mindful that we are enough. We are strong enough, pretty enough, smart enough, and so much more. We often tend to underestimate ourselves and what we are capable of. I wish I could tell you why we do this- perhaps it's just a lack of confidence in ourselves because someone somewhere has it implanted in our brains that we weren't enough for them. However, you [we] need to know this: We were so enough for the person or people who made us feel like we weren't that they just couldn't handle us. They couldn't comprehend the fact that there was a real, living person (you) that was capable of doing so much and giving so much. The person who made you feel like you weren't enough felt the need to remind you that you aren't enough- even though you were so enough that you overfilled their happy cup of life. This happens all too often. And what a true shame it is that we get so caught up in the negative things that people say, that we can't live our life to the fullest potential.
If there's one thing that I have learned since being in college ad enduring sh*tty relationships-it's this: I will never feel good enough for other people until I feel and know that I am enough for myself. Now, repeat this in your head a few times and tell me that, that doesn't sting you a little bit. The ultimate reality of not being good enough is that it sucks. It sucks and it makes you sad and it's so easy to get caught up in the lies that your mind creates based on false perceptions of those around you. Another reality of not feeling or believing that you are not good enough is that it's not true. It's not true and it's simply a lie that you believe. But, when you decide to not believe in these lies, you are taking a great leap in a direction to a better life. When you begin to rebuke the lies that those your mind creates you are beginning to live a healthier life mentally and if you do this, you are more than enough in my book.