I usually don't write articles about politics, but I make exceptions for people like Tomi Lahren. For those of you who aren't familiar with her work, Tomi Lahren is a political commentator for OAN (One America News Network) and hosts a show called TheBlaze, but she is mostly known for her segment, "Final Thoughts." Unlike many people of her generation, she is a Republican and she's not afraid of being politically incorrect. Although she tends to be a controversial figure, I think she's a wonderful role model for young conservative women.
I consider myself to be a Republican, however I don't agree with all of my party's ideas, just as Tomi Lahren explained in the video linked above. In many of her videos, Tomi either debunks liberal arguments or defends conservative beliefs. People often criticize her for her boldness, but this is illogical. Even if one does not agree with her opinions, she still deserves respect for taking a stance and speaking her mind. After all, this country was founded on the idea of free speech. At the end of the day, whether we are a Republican, Democrat, or an Independent, we all love America, including Tomi Lahren.
Many people are afraid to speak their mind when it comes to politics, especially online, mainly because they fear being attacked by a virtual angry mob. Tomi, on the other hand, has no problem speaking out and being a strong conservative woman. She usually pays no attention to her haters, but she is, by no means, a push-over. At the age of 24, Tomi already hosts her own show and has some political experience under her belt. Her critics often try to discredit her for her young age and attractive physical appearance, some have even called her "Barbie." These critics have not done their research, because if they did, they would know that she was the first intern for a Republican congresswoman from her home state of South Dakota, which proves that she does indeed have political experience.
As a 19-year-old female Republican with hopes of entering the world of journalism, it's nice to have a slightly older celebrity role model to look up to for my future career. Some Democrats (not all of them, I note) use shame tactics to prevent Republicans from voicing their opinions, and I will admit that I have fallen victim to this ploy in the past; but in a nation built on democracy, shouldn't everybody be allowed to respectfully speak their mind, without fear of retaliation from the opposing party?
Tomi Lahren has inspired me to take more pride in my Republican views, and to be passionate about my patriotism. Many people critique her for lacking political correctness and for having strong political views, but I applaud her for those same exact reasons. This country needs more people who are willing to speak their mind and defend their opinions with pride. This country is great because we are a democracy, and everyone should feel comfortable enough to discuss their views. Now, as Tomi would say, "And with that, God bless America," until next time...