Disclaimer: I will explain the whole gumbo thing later, I promise.
So, if I've learned anything in life, it is that old habits die hard. However, more importantly, I've learned that the choices I make don't have to be defined by my past. Every choice I make happens in the present moment and, in each moment, I am blessed with the opportunity to change. Furthermore, I can choose to change for the better or for the worse.
I'm sure many of you have heard the saying "Old habits die hard." Well, that statement is so packed with truth. For example, I honestly don't know why, but I every since I was little, I would eat gumbo with a fork and then use some bread to soak up what's leftover-- something I do to this day. (To all my Louisiana folks, I know that's not the "proper" way to eat gumbo, so my apologies.) Also, I always knock on a bathroom door before I go in (even if I know it is empty). I have noticed that I have a lot of habits like this, which yes, I know are a bit odd.
While these examples were pretty simple, I definitely have a few more serious habits or routines that revolve around how I treat others and how I treat myself. I'm not proud of it, but I am one of those people who is absolutely paranoid about strangers and I completely freeze up and freak out when people approach me in public, especially at night. Something I catch myself doing often is assuming that the person has some ill-intention. In addition, I'm sorry to say, I also to feel a little unsafe whenever people on the street approach my car for money or to ask me for help. I could continue to list example after example of some old habits of mine that involve the way I view other people (both good and bad), but I don't have enough time for that.
When I really sit down and think about these things, I realize that most of these habits of mine stem from either unfortunate stories I've heard from other people, or stereotypes and long histories revolving around these people. Honestly, most of these people are not following some bad desire. They are simply people. Lately, there have been many, many stories in the news about violence and brutality, anger, misdirected emotions and harm from both sides of these varying events.
These news reports caused me to really think about the way I treat others, but especially about the assumptions I make about other people. I believe that a lot of the conflict that has arisen lately stems from long histories of stereotypes and misguided beliefs about the included parties. Although, something I have learned during my nearly 20 years of life is that assumptions are not bad. If anything, we should make assumptions, we should be able to construct thoughts about other people. However, under no circumstance should we ever allow those assumptions to control our actions.
As I stated earlier, old habits die hard. The assumptions we make about one another stem from what we've been led to believe and, slowly, the association between people and said stereotypes become habits to us. Nevertheless, everything we do is a choice. I can choose to show love and kindness, or I can choose to do the opposite. Whatever the choice, it is a choice, and it is something made in the present time. Our habits will and do influence the way we think and perceive others, but we must realize that our choices are not defined by the habits we have accumulated so that we can change for the better. If we really desire positive change, we must acknowledge any assumptions we have as a result from old habits, but then resolve to act in the present time. We must make choices aimed at the greater good, and above all, show LOVE to one another, a love that each person in this world deserves not based on his or her job, but by his or her intrinsic value as a human being.