I don't mean that my life is perfect because in no way is it. I still have those bad days and really bad days. But I've come to realize that deciding to reflect on good moments you have instead of the bad ones truly changes your outlook on life.
We're about to jump into my personal life so everyone holds on.
A while ago I went through break up. Not an easy one let me tell you. I was sad for a while and had a really pessimistic view on life. I felt like I had put all of my love into something that no longer existed and in turn, I stopped putting effort into a lot of what brought me joy.
I felt like people were the only thing you could love. I jumped around trying to find someone to hopefully fill this gap I thought was in my life,
I was determined that being in love with someone new would fix all of my sadness.
But I still found myself being unhappy.
That's when I decided I needed to focus on me and nobody else. I spent time with people that truly made me happy, and doing things that truly made me happy.
I fell in love with the late night drives where I and my friends screamed our favorite songs.
I fell in love with those moments when you're laughing so hard your stomach hurts.
I fell in love with reading good books.
I fell in love with going for runs.
I fell in love with the moments where I sat outside and looked at the stars.
I fell in love with all of these moments in my life. I keep having these moments where I feel so happy and content with where I am and I realize I don't need someone else to fill the gap because there isn't one.