We were introduced to this beautiful family back in 2008
After history was made and we elected the first black President of the United States
And this glorious friendship was formed
Of course not everyone was too thrilled, but haters gonna hate
We were given one of the most beautiful and intelligent First Ladies in history
Who promotes healthy living
Is all about encouraging young women to live to their greatest potential
Is an overall badass
Shut down a man who's name I won't mention, but had a campaign run on hate and violence...
And from it came some of the most beautiful life advise
Honestly if I ever saw Michelle Obama in person
And just look at how in love these two are
Then there's Joe
Whom the internet has not let go unnoticed in his devotion to his best friend, making him an "honorary Obama"
Hence the incredible memes that have arose over the past 8 years
And quite honestly ensuring politics will never be so pure again
Lets not forget his own accomplishments though, like that time he flawlessly addressed campus assault
And of course our own "President Baby Whisperer"
Like seriously he's too cute with kids
But in all seriousness, since the Obamas entered the White House more Americans are working, more have health insurance, poverty has decreased, and people can marry who they damn well please #ThanksObama
So a huge thank you to the Obamas for everything you are and everything do
We will miss you terribly