Dear Readers,
This piece is for all of my family, friends, and associates that I've ever had the absolute pleasure to have in my life, know, or speak to. Those of you who know me personally know that the LGBTQ+ community has my full love and support.
I got slightly emotional writing this, so I tried my best this week to express what I meant. By the time this article reaches you, Pride Month will be over, but understand that every day is assuredness that you are truly one-of-a kind. Happy Pride Month loves; Keep killing it out here!
I'm glad I know you
I'm glad we met and talked
I'm glad that you trusted
And told me your stories
Some parts covered in trouble
Pain, even, to come into who you truly are
I'm glad I know you
I'm glad we cried together
Over how you thought everyone may have not
Understood, at first, who you are
And have always meant to be
I'm glad I know you
I'm glad we laughed and reminisced
Over how you own every part of yourself
In a world that is quick to dismiss
A world that lives with contradictions
To help it sleep better
But because I know you
And because I love you
I will fight for you
For even though I understand and accept
There are ignorances that will forever exist
Some that want to understand
But others who feel they have nothing to fix
There are injustices that continue to make me sick
For the way you are
Is always enough and will always be perfectly you
And to those that don't think so
I'll never bite my tongue
Because it's people like that who are the problem
Not the many colors in my world that I know
The real heroes that walk among us that I love so much
The heart with valor I admire
The way you show exactly how strong you are without fail
And if they don't like it
That sounds like a personal problem
A friend in me you'll always have
Or whatever allied term you choose to see fit
I'm rooting for you my lovely
Go dream and then live it
Happy Pride Month
The world is yours