At a certain point, some of us realize the only person that you can count on is yourself. I don’t mean that no one is there for you, but if you want to get things done in life, you have to be the one to do them. Maybe you’re like me and that point is right now. This is for you; I’m telling you it’s okay to give up.
Because of this new revelation, I am giving up on a lot of things.
Let me explain...
People who don’t put anything into our relationships, I don’t have time for it. This creates an imbalance of power in our dynamic and I don’t really want to deal with it. So, I think it’s time I cut you loose. Don’t worry, I still love you, I’m just giving up hope that you will love me as much as I love you. You may not understand how I feel but, this is for me, so you will no longer be the source of my worry.
Particularly for us college students, professors who pretend their class is the only one that matters or that the homework they give somehow supersedes everything else going on in our lives. No. Just no. I do not have time to explain to you why this is not okay. If you think the words coming from your mouth are sent from above and the only way I’m getting to heaven is by listening to what you say for 50 minutes three days per week…I’m giving up on you.
Disrespectful people. Look. I don't have a problem with people having opinions that differ from my own, but if we are having a conversation about those opinions and you can’t listen to what I to say and respond in a civil manner … I am giving up on having these conversations with you. I’ll just pat you on the head and remember how immature you are every time you bring up a serious topic.
Anxiety. This is a hard one. Dude you suck. You make my chest hurt, my brain go fuzzy, and breathing shallow. I can’t have normal conversations because of you. I hide in my room like a turtle in a shell because of you and I am so done. I am giving up on overthinking, giving up on caring so much about all the details, and I am giving up on letting you drain my energy every day. I am giving you all the way up.
I know none of this will be simple, but we should all try giving up on the toxic things that creep into our lives. Maybe you aren’t getting what you need from a relationship and all I am saying is, it’s okay to give up if it isn’t going anywhere. Maybe you aren’t where you need to be in school and it’s okay to take a break from academics to nurture yourself. And maybe, it’s okay to be okay with yourself, to breathe in positivity, and to give up the negatives.
Just give up, it’s okay.