With the Women’s March having past, I’ve seen a lot of comments posted online about feminism. There are many women who have choose not to identify as feminists, and there are many who criticize women for using their voices. This article does not address either of these issues, however, I will address some misconceptions about feminism. I’m a feminist, but I’m not…
A man-hater. – I don’t hate men! In fact, I have many male friends and I date men. Just because I believe in the equality of genders does not automatically mean I hate men. I want people of all genders to be treated equally, not one above the other.
A lesbian. – What I find to be a misconception of feminists is that we are all members of the LGBT community. Wrong! Sure, there are feminists who are lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, but there are just as many straight feminists, too. I am a straight female and I am a feminist, and you can be, too.
Going to fight with you about your opinion. – If you’re not a feminist, that’s your opinion. While it may not be what I believe in, I’m not going to yell down your throat and tell you how wrong you are. You’re entitled to your opinion as a human being and even though it strongly conflicts with what I believe in, I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong. Let me have my opinions and you can have yours.
Only supportive of white, cis females. – Feminism that only supports white cis-gendered females is not feminism. I want all women to have equal rights and succeed. This includes transwomen, African American women, Asian American women, women with disabilities, and every other woman in the world.
Always angry. – Okay, I’ll admit it. I love the phrase “angry liberal feminist killjoy”. Feminists get labeled as always angry, and this may be at fault of phrases like this. However, feminists are not always angry. Sure, we are angry about inequality and we are angry that Donald Trump is our new president, but we’re not angry about everything and we’re not walking around 24/7 completely pissed off.
Manly. – I am a feminist and I shave. I am a feminist and I wear makeup (and I love my makeup). I am a very feminine person and I’m still just as much of a feminist as someone who is more manly. There is not one cookie-cutter design for what a feminist can and cannot be.
A prude. – Fun fact: feminists can have sex with men, and can love having sex with men. We can be sexual in nature. Feminists can have one-night stands, friends with benefits, causal sex, committed sex, whatever kind of sex we want to have and that does not make us any less of a feminist.
Because it’s trendy. – I’m not a feminist to be part of an “in” crowd. I’m not a feminist because I want a “cool” label to attach to my name. I am a feminist because I whole-heartedly believe in what feminism stands for. Simple as that.
A bitch. – A lot of feminists are called bitches because we’re not afraid to stand up for what we believe in, but here’s the truth. I’m a feminist, and I’m not a bitch. Those two words are not the same. I’m a feminist and I’m a kind, approachable, friendly young woman.