The media portrayal of West Virginians gives the state a less than stellar reputation. For a while, I allowed my peers and the outside world blur my view of all the amazing things the Mountain State has to offer. That was until the summer of 2016 when I had the opportunity to be a part of a phenomenal group of students at the Governor's Honors Academy. “GHA will change you forever,” they told us. Due to the intellectually nurturing environment GHA provided, I walked away from campus three weeks later a changed person, with a greater appreciation for academics and a newfound hope in the future of my state.
It seems to me that some students view education as a static event that only occurs between the hours of 8 am and 3 pm, like a switch which can be flipped one of two ways. Everyone at the academy had the mutual understanding that learning had no time restriction. While at GHA, learning resembled an energy which could not be destroyed; it just changed forms to adapt to the new environment. The critical thinking skills we learned just moments before in the classroom were being applied to “capture the flag” strategies, and our discussions on empathy made our day of service a more fulfilling experience. Taking our academics beyond the shelter of the classroom and into our everyday lives, we opened ourselves up to be completely immersed in and devoted to learning.
Usually, when West Virginians are said to be devoted to a cause, education is not the first to come to mind. The students at GHA were of the highest caliber. Today, I regret any doubts I once held, because nothing can compare to the grit and determination of the remarkable group of students I encountered. Not only did they have the intellectual potential to create wonderful things, but they also felt a sense of duty to serve their state, and their fellow West Virginians.
Collectively, we desired to “put West Virginia back on the map” not only for academics, but to also show the rest of the country that the Mountain State is a force to be reckoned with. I am proud to have shared this life changing opportunity with my GHA alumni and I pleasantly look forward to putting West Virginia “back on the map” with them and giving the state the reputation it deserves.