I'm sorry, but I'm sick and tired of apologizing for having an opinion that you don't agree with.
Recently, I've thought a lot about how whenever I disagree with someone, no matter what it is, I always find myself saying "I'm sorry, but..." and it really made me think about why that is and why I even think it's okay.
There are a lot of situations in our day to day lives where we don't agree with people and that is totally okay, but what isn't okay is feeling pressured into apologizing for having an opposing opinion. Like, I found myself saying once "I'm sorry, but I don't plan on voting for Donald Trump." and this is insane to me because of course I'm not sorry for not supporting him. If I felt bad about it, then I would most likely just change my mind. I shouldn't feel like if I don't start my statement with an apology then I'm going to get interrogated as to why I'm "so rude" and "so inconsiderate". It's not that I'm trying to be rude, but I am absolutely over the fact that I feel the need to apologize for my opinions.
Another situation that I, like many others, have found myself in is apologizing for not wanting someone to touch me or apologizing for not wanting to go home with someone. I'm not sorry I don't find sweaty fraternity boys at parties appealing. I'm not sorry that I would much rather go home to sleep in my bed alone rather than hook up with a stranger. But somehow, time and time again, I find myself apologizing. "I'm sorry, but I was planning on staying with my friends tonight." That isn't what I feel like I should have to say. A simple "No, I'm staying with my friends tonight." is just as good as a statement. I'm not saying by any means I plan to be rude and act disgusted, I'm just saying that I shouldn't be scared of what is going to happen next if I don't apologize for not wanting to stay the night.
Just like people are entitled to their opinion of voting for Trump or people are allowed to see if you have the same attraction towards them, you are allowed to disagree and say no. You are allowed to disagree and say no without feeling bad or even having to pretend to feel bad. It is 2016 and I am completely flabbergasted by the fact that people are still apologizing for things like this. There is a way to be kind and also make sure your opinion is heard without being "sorry" for it. You should own up to how you feel just as much as the person you're disagreeing with without fear of what might happen next.