I've always been a pretty goofy kid.
It made things interesting! I love doing something funny and getting a laugh out of people. I thrive off of it. I love cracking a joke and hearing the many laughs of the people around me, I love doing a silly dance, I just love being me. And I'm a goofy person. I'm mature and serious when I need to be, but when I'm around the right group of people, I act like I am 5 years old. (My 6th graders in the community group that I lead actually call me 5-year-old.)
It's why I've always been great around kids. They just feel like I stoop to their level, physically and mentally. For the past couple of summers, I've worked as a counselor at a summer camp. At this one, especially, you were required to silly and goofy for the sake of the kids and I feel like I really fit in there because of my goofy personality. We dress up as celebrities, and pirates, and even once we dressed up as Pokemon characters. And I have no shame, I'm completely okay with it. Because it's me. Heck, I even wrote an Odyssey article about poop and my transition from private to public pooper. It's published and live on the web! And I love it.
Just the other day, my best friend and I were blowing up balloons before her sister woke up on her birthday. We had gone to Walmart in our pajamas to buy them and party hats because we just wanted to be funny. We ended up having a blast and creating different ways to wear a party hat.
Here are some of my favorites:
The 80's Shoulder Pads
I think these are even cooler than the shoulder pads that were actually used in the 80's. More sparkly too!The Bug
No explanation needed.The Yoda
With Star Wars being as popular as it has been recent, I thought it would be funny to try and make ourselves look like this.While we were taking these pictures and coming up with silly names to represent them, her mom was sitting in the next room laughing so hard she thought she was going to pee her pants. This is the reason I do what I do.
I've learned that it's pretty stinkin' awesome to be yourself. And I just happen to be goofy.