I’m a Christian (if you couldn’t tell from my previous articles). I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and died on the cross for my sins. He rose again after three days defeating the power of death forever. When we believe in Him and put our whole trust in Him, He gives us eternal life. Nothing we can do will save us, only by the grace of God, we have life.
Because of Jesus, my life has changed drastically. I am on leadership for a campus ministry, the Vine, at Missouri State. I have been on mission trips to Haiti (and am preparing to return there in January). I have had the opportunity to serve at a Christian sports camp, Kanakuk, this summer. I have a fair amount of “Bible knowledge.” Not to mention, I have an absolutely “lit” Christian music playlist on Spotify (Jesus Fire Beats).
On paper, I’ve got it all together.
But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
No matter how much “good” I do, I’m always going to suffer.
I’m: Hurt, in need of a Healer… Drowning, in need of a Rescuer… Dead, in need of a Savior.
But, Jesus is my Healer, Rescuer, and Savior.
When I was little, I accepted Jesus into my heart, and in my first year at college, I rededicated myself to Him. But the story does not end there. I thought my life would become easy. I thought that my troubles would just drift away. I thought I would become perfect and be able to live for Him without adversity.
Man, I was wrong. Temptations, doubts, fears, anxieties, pain… it’s all still there. It’s a constant battle.
Yes, my life is radically different than when I was not following God, but my mind, heart, and soul are tormented by this battle between my flesh and the Spirit of God.
Each day, I wake up and call myself inadequate, unworthy, broken.
And I am partly correct because each day, I understand more and more how much I truly need Jesus.
Without Him, I am absolutely nothing. But He gave me life.
I find myself trying to reject this free gift of grace, but Jesus is relentless and His love for me is unstoppable.
When we trust in Him, God does not see our sin, but He calls us “blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish” (Philippians 2:15).
Wow, God is good. He is the reason that I find joy in the difficulties of the world.
By His faithfulness, He has given me so many opportunities to grow in my relationship with Him and tell others about His grace and mercy to all.
Being a Christian is tough, and I am always going to feel helpless without my King leading me, which is why I need Him every day.
I am broken, but Jesus is more than enough for me.