I'm An Aspiring Female Cop | The Odyssey Online
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I'm An Aspiring Female Cop

It’s been my dream for a long time, but the new violence highlights the serious risk of the job.

I'm An Aspiring Female Cop

For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of becoming a part of the justice system. I always loved the mystery that came with it and the constant action involved. Specifically, my dream is to be a part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or simply a forensic scientist wherever I could obtain a good job. All I want is to be able to use my knowledge to help others and solve problems in our everyday world. I figured that it would be best for my future and for my happiness to pursue these dreams.

Recently, the news has been blowing up about the corruption of cops, how "unjust" they really are and how some areas of our country are in need of a cleanse and reinstatement from the local police departments and other law enforced agencies. We have seen both sides of things, and it's clear how some situations are indeed not right. I try to ignore the comments, and of course I don't take sides; for my better good and for my goals, I try to stay out of all the drama.

Not once have I changed my mind about my dream for my future career, but as a female looking to join the law enforcement, I can easily recognize the immediate risk that will now be at hand and that has always come along with being part of these agencies. The risk nowadays of being a cop, homicide detective or special agent seems to be growing substantially. It does make me think about how my future could be affected by this new violence, because being a cop already carries a lot of high risks, and with these added issues arising, my dream seems like it's going to be quite the challenge.

This article is not to praise the work of cops, and certainly not to favor them in such troubling times in our country, but to only reflect on my own fears for myself and the future I hope to obtain.

People can say that I'm crazy for wanting to join these federal agencies, but I can't help what I've already set my mind out to do. We all have dreams, and we all should receive the same praise for achieving them. With all the talk in the news about cops and other law enforcement agencies, I do question my future’s safety, but I still want to do what makes me happy.

These beliefs don’t at all hinder my decisions or career path of choice. I can just see how much the risks have risen in such times. I still believe that others who also want to work as cops or special agents should work up to their dreams and goals and not let the recent news in our world scare them away; they should still want to pursue the goals they have always wanted. I worry about the violence involved with the public and cops, but I am still going to fight to achieve my goals, too.

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