On Saturday I'll turn 20 years old. I'll no longer be a teenager. (So, I can officially say on that day that I've beaten teen pregnancy). I'll be in my Sophomore year of college. And no, I still won't have my life together. And that's okay.
When I was younger, the idea of turning 20 was completely mind bobbling. I used to think that 20 was so freaking old. Little did I know that I would find myself in my birth week and still feel like a little kid at times. In fact, it was just the other day when I was with my 10 year old sister and she asked to do something and my response was: "No, we can't unless we have an adult with us." And that's when she pointed out the dreadful news: I'm turning 20 in a couple days. I AM AN ADULT.
I always thought that by now I'd have my life together. I thought I'd be planning my wedding or buying a house by now. Only now that I'm actually leaving my teens do I realize how crazy that is. I mean, sometimes I still call my mom to ask her permission to go home with my roommate for the weekend. And let's not even get started on the FAFSA confusion, just *CLICK* and forward those treacherous emails before even bothering to open them.
I don't have my life together. I criticize myself for it all the time. But when I take a step back I realize that I'm doing the best I can. I may not be ready to buy a house, but that's not reality for me right now. Right now, reality is taking 19 credits of classes and maintaining a straight A average. Right now, reality is working 4 jobs just to pay off my student debt for this semester Right now, reality is going to practice and work outs even though all I want to do is get a couple extra hours of sleep. That's reality.
It's not thinking about what guy I'll be marrying because believe me, I'm nowhere near ready for that. It's not pinning pictures of home decor because in all honestly, I'll probably be living out of a hole in the wall while every paycheck goes towards student loans after college.
And I'm okay with that. I've learned that turning 20 doesn't really change anything. It doesn't mean that all of a sudden I have to have my life together in a couple of days. Turning 20 is just another day, and as long as you're doing the best you possibly can, then it's okay to not have your life together.