I'm Afraid To Be A Woman | The Odyssey Online
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I'm Afraid To Be A Woman

Just because my father did not teach me on how to avoid men.

I'm Afraid To Be A Woman
belfasttelegraph company

I look at social media, but I do not watch the news, so I see the articles swarming the country about things that can be considered "despicable" and "immoral." Social media puts into words diverse views, and shows play by plays on situations that are less than desirable, so why does everyone and their mother decide to share it? In my opinion, it seems that many are wanting to get their opinion across even when it is not certainly nessacary, but now it seems like whatever I read about in the news the opinions justify how I feel. So I will put this very simply: in the year of 2016, I am personally afraid to be a girl.

When I started the summer out, I saw so many news posts going back to dogs dying in cars and how the beach at Gulf Shores was banning things so I personally did not worry too much as I scrolled down my Facebook feed. I just got back from a very modest all-girl college for the year, so I was still in the habit of wearing loose t-shirts and Nike shorts with my tevas. I would walk around in my city not questioning if I was safe from anyone for the fact that I knew that I would be fine, especially since I am a very well reserved girl and did not get into predicaments that would make my life incredibly horrid. As the summer went on, I started to see the articles popping up because of Brock Turner and I felt broken that the woman who was raped had to live with the pain while her attacker was getting a short sentence. This situation made me realize that there is so much that I need to look out for solely for the fact that any girl could receive this, even if they don’t look or act provocative.

During the summer, my coworker at the time was friends with this man that had very different views than me. He felt that if a woman is walking down the street by herself looking provocative, then it was okay to rape her. This was the moment that I knew I would be scared for the years to come solely for the fact that I live six hours from home, have no significant other, and am independent enough to run my errands at all hours of the day. So I accepted that my life would change no matter how I act or dress in public thanks to the ideas of others, and this is something that may or may not be beneficial in life depending on who argues.

It is now September and I am past the summer months and the loads of talk about Brock Turner as I returned to my all-girl college that I so desperately love. I am sitting in my classes on a Wednesday morning and I get a GroupMe about article ideas and one stood out most, which was not the Dos Equis man but the Canadian judge. A judge from a supposedly very peaceful country told a young 19 year old girl that "She should have kept her knees together." I am 19 and this is most hurtful thing to ever imagine for she was raped from behind at a house party and had no way to defend herself. A young girl, who could be in college, now had to face court and then be humiliated by a man who was suppose to help her in the end. This is all after a boy texted two girls "I’m sorry" after he raped them and he is not going to prison because it "takes away his college experience." Please explain to me how a woman should be shamed and afraid everyday she walks out her house? These ladies are living a normal life doing things most teens would do and they become victims because a young man who has not got his hormones together decided to act on impulse. Yet when I finished my Wednesday afternoon, I see that a man has raped a 2 year old girl and someone recorded it. Yes, this may have been from a few years ago but now it is streaming on my feed in between cute puppy videos.

I am a 19 year old girl with goals and aspirations that hope to strive for bigger and better things. I walk around my city not wanting to be afraid of what will happen because I trust the best in people, yet it seems like I cannot do that anymore. I am afraid to now walk out in certain areas at certain times because a man cannot control himself but he will not be punished for that. More than likely, I will be told to suck it up because I am a female and I am the emotional on. The judge may look at me and tell me I should have done better when he could let my attacker out with a little slap on the wrist. It is the year 2016 and I pray that any woman would never go through this pain solely for the fact I see how it eats someone alive. It may not be rape, but the forceful hand of someone you thought loved you, but this will eat you alive and I would never wish this upon my worst enemy. I am afraid to be a girl in this time period because it seems like a man cannot grasp how it feels to feel violated.

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