Look! It's a bird! It's a plane! IT'S A FEMINIST HERE TO HANG THE MEN BY THEIR GENITALS BECAUSE THEY OPPOSE THEIR OPINION! Hear ye! Hear ye! Please do not fear the feminist that come your way to introduce you to the world of equality. Yes, you heard me right, equality. There is no such thing as women over men or women are better than men shenanigans. I am here to guide you through what it's like to be a feminist in this day and age where being a feminist is considered as a joke.
Does anyone understand the UPROAR there would have been if that was done to a woman?! If a woman had to undergo tests to prove she's in the right state of mind to say that she was sexually assaulted... we would never hear the end of it. THIS IS WHAT FEMINIST FIGHT FOR! EQUAL RIGHTS! WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN TO BE TREATED THE SAME! Know what the feminazi say to this? "Men can't be raped." That's not how it works. Men are the main influences on rape culture. They have literally said, "When are we going to let men be men again?" As a response to his trial! Then when questioned about their statement they say, "I don't believe he was raped. There was no proof and he's such a big guy, he could have done something about it if he wanted too." PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE SAY TO WOMEN REGULARLY ON EVERY DAY RAPE CASES! THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE SAYING.
But I digress...
In summary, this is the difference between feminism and feminazi. Real women want equality for men and women for all matters. Feminazis want women to be held on this high pedestal and no one can touch them up there or try to accompany them up there.