The look that I get from others when I say exactly what's on my mind will never get old. The shocked, open-mouthed, dumbfounded look. I can't help that I'm an honest person. I tell it how it is. I don't settle for anything less than what I deserve. Overall, though, I don't put up with no shit.
Since I have started school, I have realized how many passive aggressive people surround me on a daily basis. The kind of people who don't say a single thing, but boy, they're thinking it. I don't understand this.
Ever since I can remember, I have always been a pretty blunt person. If I want something done or don't like how something is, I say something. That's just how I have always been. In high school, I got the occasional weird look or nasty glare because of this, but in college, it's a whole different ballpark.
Day after day in college, I witness some pretty ridiculous things. Like, seriously. Ludicrous.
People accept the wrong meals at restaurants.
People don't correct prices for things they are purchasing.
People let people do literally anything to them, and it bugs me.
I'll never understand this. (The whole accepting the wrong food thing especially! I could never.)
I guess I could understand people being afraid of public speaking, or if they feel as if they're embarrassing themselves, but you just gotta get what you deserve in life, and nothing will change my mind on that. It's not that hard to ask a waitress for your correct meal. I know, I was a waitress.
Another thing I have realized from being a confrontational person is how much guys hate it. At least, the guys I have been with have. It's a big maturity thing in relationships. I'm the type of person who likes to tackle issues as soon as they come up, but the majority of guys I have talked to like to ignore them for the most part.
Sure, if you don't talk about it, it will go away.
That always works.
Basically, I'm just sick and tired of being called "rude" or "mean" every time I stand up for what I believe in or speak my mind on something that bothers me.
I'm not attacking anyone who lives the passive aggressive lifestyle of course. All I'm saying is I'm gonna keep on doing exactly what I'm doing, and if you have a problem with it, I already know you won't say anything to me.