Donald Trump among millions of Americans believe that Illegals are taking American jobs but is that a true statement?
I mean the majority of illegal immigrants work the jobs we would not want to partake in. They are the ones picking the fruit and scraping up cow manure. Let's think logically here for a minute, what American would WANT to do these jobs? Because I don't see Americans banging down the door trying to get hired at a farm. Many of the Americans that I hear claim this ridiculous statement, wouldn't be caught dead scraping up cow manure....that's right, Donald, I'm looking at you.
Not only do these Illegals work crap jobs, they get crap pay. Please enlighten me as to what American Adult would be willing to clean up after cows for $5 an hour. Of course, we wouldn't do that for $5, if we HAD to do these jobs we would want one heck of a pay raise. Also, Americans complain a lot. Heck, the majority of Americans complain about having an office job, so you could imagine what hard work and little pay would result to.
So if it isn't Illegals that are taking American jobs, what is? Well, here is my answer to that:
Science is.
Back in the old days many Americans worked in factories and made a decent living. Well, as our technology advanced many factory owners started switching from real life humans, to robots. Which is a brilliant business strategy because a robot gets more work done in less time and all in all it is way cheaper.
Also, I have never heard of a robot calling in sick because he had a hangover from partying the night before. Simply put....robots are replacing people. Yes, there are people to operate and fix the robots, however, it takes way fewer people to press a button than to stand on the assembly line physically putting pieces together.
Have you ever called a business and got a machine? Say maybe you are trying to pay your phone bill and you get the automated spiel about pressing 1 if you want information and pressing 2 to speak with an associate. That, too, used to be a job. There used to physically be a person on the other end to direct you. But that too has changed due to science and technology.
There has already been talk of self-driven cars and when (not if) but when that happens, there goes the cab drivers, the uber drivers etc. So yet another example of how our pristine technology will knock many people out of a job.
So before you go around using this idiotic statement, I encourage you to really think, maybe it really isn't the illegals "stealing" our jobs, it could be we have become so technologically advanced that we need fewer humans doing the actual jobs.