Dear friend of mine,
I know you have no idea this letter is actually meant for you. This feeling is something I have kept inside of me for so long and I have never let it surface for you to realize what I am thinking each time I am with you. It’s stayed in the shadows and I swallow it each time I want to share it with you.
After knowing you for a few years now, I have noticed how wonderful of a guy you are. I’ve secretly admired your work ethic and your drive to reach goals that you have set for yourself. I enjoy spending time with you when we get the chance. I’m not sure you even realize how much I like spending time with you. It probably doesn’t help that I have also always found you attractive from the first day I met you. It hasn’t been until recently that I started seeing you differently. Not in a negative way, but rather now as someone I am attracted to for the personality and work ethic you possess. The problem with that is I know you have never seen me that way.
From knowing you these few years, I have been by your side as I have witnessed you getting treated horribly. You have put up with so much from people who don’t deserve you and I never understood why. I have always told you that you deserve better and you are far more than capable of reaching that better, but you shrug it off and don’t believe my words. But then, you say one of either two comments that sometimes I really hate hearing. You say to me, “Hey, you should hook me up with one of your hot friends” or “Find me a ten.”
That’s when I realize that I am never going to be “her” for you. I am growing up in a culture where having an attractive boyfriend/girlfriend is what is desired and acceptable by society. Maybe it's just the age that I am at, but it seems to me that personality does not quite do it anymore. When did dating become less about finding someone to fall in love with and more about who looks attractive next to you? Attractiveness should come from a person's personality more than their physical features.
I’m not saying that I am the one for you. I realize there’s a chance we may lose contact in a few years and we will just be a memory to each other. But, I hate watching you limit yourself all because of physical attractiveness. I have met so many people who have amazing personalities. They are capable of loving people the way love should be and they respect people the way people are supposed to be respected. They have a great sense of humor and they are beyond out-going. However, they are often overlooked because they don’t rank as a ten on this metaphoric scale. I tend to be one of those people who get overlooked, and not just by you.
I am not afraid to admit that I am not a skinny, little thing, and I am certainly not getting hundreds of likes on a selfie I post on social media. I also know I don't have a nice butt that makes guys stare as I walk by. With this said, I know I could give someone the most love that they could ever receive. I believe I have a great personality. I just know I won’t be “her.”
If you end up reading this, please don’t feel guilty. Just know that you deserve better that what you settle for and maybe the person you’re supposed to end up with isn’t a ten to everyone else’s eyes, but she is in yours.
Your friend