I was walking through my dorm the other day when I noticed the new bulletin board my RA had put up. It was about loving yourself.
I think we all have a little trouble with this sometimes. At least I do. Sometimes I just have those days where I hate every piece of clothing I own, my makeup makes me feel like a clown, and do not even get me started on my hair. It's life. Every girl has at least one of those moments....or like 23.
So this week is about loving who you are and ways you can do that:
Do not compare yourself to others.
You will only compare the negatives. It is not fair to you when you pick out every little tiny flaw. Everyone has flaws, but that is how God made you.
Speak kindly.
I know for me when I am nice to others and show them that I care, it makes me feel good as well as them. That person might be having the worst day and a simple "hi" could change that all around.
Forgive yourself.
Give yourself some grace. I promise God's grace is not limited. If you make a mistake, learn from it. Do not be so hard on yourself. We are humans. It'll happen.
Accept that some people will not like you.
They might not have any reason to but kill them with kindness. Prove them wrong. So many people are quick to judge. For me, if someone does not like me then that is on them. I do not need that kind of negativity in my life.
Know you.
You know what kind of person you are and do not let others bring you down. Ignore them and be happy with yourself and life. Do what makes YOU happy.
Just being active or finding a new hobby could, in many ways, make you feel better about yourself. How you feel about yourself should be positive. God made you for you. I promise if you just take baby steps and think more positive, you will feel more positive too.
Nobody is perfect and everyone was made in God's image. I think that we should value that more. I am not saying we need to be obsessed with ourselves, but we need to accept the flaws and be comfortable in our own skin.