"NOBODY can go back and start a new BEGINNING, but ANYONE can start today and make a new ENDING." -Bennie Mehr
The single quote that sits in my room. Every morning I wake up and see the same thing.
The quote above a single tree, sitting in the midst of a huge rough patch of grass. The spikes in the ground looking to resemble a fence that is not connected in any way, shape or form. Darker looking clouds in the distance partially reaching to cover some of the horizon view.
The same picture I stare at every day sitting hung up on my wall.
The same thoughts circle my head.
Then I turn on the news and see the worst of things to occur.
Baton Rouge.
Baton Rouge 2.
We all share the same ignorance. The color of our skin makes none of us smarter. No matter how intelligent we all are, we are all ignorant. We want to understand everything but garner the concept of very little.
Today you walk around and you're bound to hear the same words before your day ends.
Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, terrorists, radical Islam, death, shooting, cops...
When does this end?
We are sitting here fighting a war against each other when scarier things are occurring in our world. Innocent people are losing lives on our home turf over ignorance. The things we should be fighting against are things like nuclear warfare and fighting wars away from our home turf. All of us are being ignorant. I don't support any of this nonsense going on and if you do, you should question the bigger picture. We need to band together to deal with bigger problems among us, not squabble and tear each other apart here.
You have the choice to choose what happens next. Let your voice be heard and help bring everyone together and not tear the world apart.
Stop being ignorant. Be smart.
"NOBODY can go back and start a new BEGINNING, but ANYONE can start today and make a new ENDING."