I wanted to bring attention to a comment that was made on Facebook which infuriated me to no end. Even though there is a bit of time between this post and the publication of this article, the subject matter is still relevant. (I have left out the names of the people involved)
First, the original post:
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“To celebrate a pagan holiday or not... hmm I mean my shoppings done wrapped and all but do I wait for December 26th?”
I have absolutely no issue with this statement. Living in America, we have the right to choose what we celebrate and what we do not celebrate. No one should be able to tell us what we believe in and what is the right thing to do. Only we know that.
Now, for the comment:
“Don't celebrate the Pagan Holiday, celebrate Jesus Birthday. The power of Giving and Love and thanks to eachother is what Jesus rather you do.”
How many of you see a problem with this?
1. NEVER tell someone what they should or should not do when it comes to religion and holidays.
2. Christmas (Jesus Birthday, in this comment) has aspects of the pagan holiday in it.
a. The Christmas tree derives from the pagans bringing a tree into their home as b. symbol of keeping nature safe and alive during the winter seasons.
c. Kissing under the mistletoe started as a pagan tradition.
d. The pagan holiday is not only about the winter solstice, but about the power of giving and love- which was around BEFORE Jesus was born.
e. Some believe that Jesus was actually born in April (which science supports)- but we won’t get into that.
Now for my personal rants:
1. If you’re going to make such an ignorant comment, at least get your spelling and grammar correct. Its pagan, not pagan. Why did you capitalize giving and love? Lastly, each other is two words, not one.
2. Don’t make a comment if you have no idea what you are talking about-- do some research.
3. Butt out of other people’s religious choices-- it’s a part of the constitution.
To the original post maker:
1. It’s great that you rose above the ignorance and ignored this comment.
2. I hope you did what you wanted to do and what made you happy.
3. Personally, I celebrate this pagan holiday because it has a beautiful meaning and I find it comforting (especially with the nasty weather that is to follow).
To everyone else:
What would you have done if someone had said this to you, or someone you are close to?
Related story:
When I was still in high school, I was asked to go to a youth group meeting with one of my friends. To support him, I went even though it was at a different church than the one I went to. the meeting was going okay. To be honest, it was a little boring because all we were doing was reading passages out of the bible. The group leader began explaining one of the passages that we had read. this was about seven years ago, so I am unsure of what passage it was. I had asked a question and he simply said to me “people who are sick, are sick because they don’t have a good relationship with God.”
And to this I must say, screw you buddy.
I was so upset that I got up and walked out of the church. I am terminally ill. I have been this way since I was six years old and I will never get better. To hear this statement come out of this man was heartbreaking. After the meeting was over and everyone left, I went back in to speak with him. after having a few words with him, he did not apologize, but stuck to his statement. Needless to say, I never went back there. At the time, I was a very impressionable fifteen-year-old girl. Even at this time, I knew what he said was ignorant and wrong. I did not let his comment sway my thoughts.
I stood up for myself and so should everyone else. I was not going to let one ignorant man tell me that a six-year-old girl was being punished by a God who was supposed to love her unconditionally and protect her from the evils in the world. What did a six-year-old do to piss off God so much that he would give her a condition that would never be cured?
I find comfort within in my own church, who supports me instead of putting me down. I also find joy in other religions, as well as the one I grew up with. So, if you find comfort in celebrating this pagan holiday (like me) go for it. Do not let ignorant people bring you down.