Yeah, we should definitely hang out soon!
Ugh, I really need to start working out again.
Wow, I need to read my bible and pray more often.
Yep, I need to stop complaining so much.
I need to start this and I need to stop that…
Isn’t it just so easy to think those thoughts or say those comments? But why is it so difficult to actually take action for what we want to change?
So, start today. Take action. Achieve these goals one at a time.
Like Walt Disney said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”.
I don’t know about you but I am my own worst critic when it comes to just about anything in life. I am always thinking of what I should stop saying or doing, or maybe what I need to start doing.
People seem to make so many excuses for not actually ‘doing’. It is a lot easier to sit around and come up with reasons to NOT do something, rather than get up and actually try.
Sometimes it could be out of pure laziness. Maybe it’s because we just really don’t want to put out an effort and actually try. Many times people simply fear change.
But what if we could just wrap our minds around the fact that change isn’t necessarily bad?
How great would our lives be then?
I, personally, want to change and start doing some things better. Instead of just thinking and talking about changing.
Why don’t you join me and my effort?
Let’s take the first step in achieving our goals.
If we never take this first step we will never be able to take a second step and our goals will still be just as far away.
Accept change. Be the change.
Go ahead and eat healthier, read your bible more often, get a gym membership and actually use it, be more respectful, smile more, don’t be so judgmental, hang out with your friends when you say that you will…whatever it is, whatever you want to start doing. Start today.
The world doesn't owe you anything. You owe the world your time, your energy, your talents. Go ahead and use these things to make the world a better place for, not only you, but for everyone around you.
Because if not now, when?
“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” -Plato